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China Amends the FIE Record-filing Laws Regulating Foreign Investments

...ty for vetting the FIE’s application documents such as the Articles of Association. Overall, MOFCOM welcomes the initiation of the Interim Measures considering that it substantially simplifies the procedures of FIEs establishment. Nevertheless, foreign investors are still advised to check with local MOFCOM and AIC before filing any application documents. For more detailed information regardi...

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Why should you invest in offshore business?

...is a favorable tax climate. Small countries are aware that low tax rates and favorable regulations for business will attract foreign capital. It is true and most offshore countries have significantly improved their economics after becoming place for foreign investors. There are special regulations in domestic countries as well. These are made for maintaining balance between taxation for offshore b...

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Chinese Financial Services Opening Up to Foreigners

... up China’s financial markets to promote foreign competition. For now, foreign ownership is limited for banks and asset management companies. Within a few months **the foreign ownership cap will be removed**. These changes will open the market to foreign investors and banks, giving the opportunities to set-up branches and subsidiaries. Changes will also affect securities companies, fund mana...

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